Multiplier Event
November 2022
Regarding the European Prescribing Exam, we organised a Multiplier Event in Amsterdam on the 10th and 11th of November. The aim of this event was to familiarize medical schools across Europe with the European Prescribing Exam and help them to implement the exam in their own medical curriculum. The event was attended by 32 clinical pharmacologists from 21 universities in 17 European countries and was a great success. The coming year around 50 medical schools across Europe are motivated to implement the European Prescribing Exam in their medical curriculum.
3rd Erasmus+ grant
July 2022
RECIPE received a 3-year grant (€400.000) by the Erasmus+ Programme to enhance safe prescribing in the European Union. The aim of the project is to develop a teach-the-teacher programme in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. The programma includes a teacher’s guide by which teachers will be educated on how to use state of the art education methodologies, how to align their curriculum with content from the European Open Platform for Prescribing Education and assessments such as the European Prescribing Exam, and on how to set up international collaborations. The overall goal is that all medical universities in Europe stimulate their teachers to follow this teach-the-teacher programme in order to modernize and harmonize CPT education in Europe.
Education Award
June 2022
During the 15th congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) in Athens, Michiel van Agtmael, Jelle Tichelaar, Michael Reumerman, Rowan Sultan Marielle Hartjes received the Education Award 2022 for their Student Run Clinic. Congratulations! More information about this project can be found here.
EACPT Congress
June 2022
17 RECIPE members have attended the congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) in Athens. The congress took place from the 25th to 28th of June. In total, 7 oral presentations and 4 poster presentations were presented by RECIPE members. A new record! All our presentations can be downloaded here.
Side visit from Czech Republic
June 2022
In June 20222, Jitka Rychlickova, a clinical pharmacist responsible for the pharmacology and therapeutics education in Marasyk University, visited RECIPE. This visit was funded by the Erasmus Mobility programme. The main goal was to learn about new ways of teaching pharmacology and therapeutics during the undergraduate medical curriculum. Jitka participated in the following educational sessions: interprofessional student-run clinic, roleplaying sessions about pain management with 4th year medical students, case discussions with 3rd and 4th year medical students, Junior-Adverse Drug Event Managers programme, oral assessment of psychiatry and general practice and performing medication reviews with real patients. She was very inspired by the visit and willing to implement some of the education methods in her own institution. You can read her comments here.
Another ZonMw grant
February 2022
RECIPE received another grant from ZonMW to investigate how the Dutch National Pharmacotherapy Exam can be effectively integrated in undergraduate medical curricula. To this extent, two research studies will be executed. The first study will be a qualitative study investigating students’ experiences with the exam and how it can be integrated in the medical curriculum. The second study will make a comparison between the results of students who have taken the exam in a formative or summative way.
New ZonMw grant
January 2022
Together with the RadboudUMC, RECIPE received a 3-year innovation grant from ZonMW to reduce the hospitals admissions due to prescribing errors. In the LIMONCELLO (Less Is More: Optimized pharmacotherapy with improved continuity of CarE in hospitaLized oLder peOple) project, the eight academic hospitals in the Netherlands work together and introduce a team consisting of a doctor and pharmacist to optimize and coordinate the discharge medication for high-risk patients. The aim is that these patients are admitted less often, the quality of life of the patients improves and it is checked whether patients need less medication. More information can be found here.