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Our partners are committed to enhance rational prescribing through effective pharmacotherapy education for prescribers.
Amsterdam University Medical Centers (Amsterdam UMC) is an academic hospital in Amsterdam with two locations (AMC and VUmc) and around 1.735 beds. Involvement, care, and ambition are the core values. Patient care, biomedical research and education are closely linked, creating an environment in which scientific advancements quickly move from bench to bedside. RECIPE was initiated by the Section Pharmacotherapy embedded in the department of Internal Medicine. RECIPE is located in the main building of location VUmc.
The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) is the leading society in Europe serving the European and global clinical pharmacology and therapeutics community. The EACPT provides educational and scientific support for the more than 4,000 individual professionals interested in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics throughout the European region. RECIPE is part of the Education Working Group of the EACPT and is involved in several European research projects.
The role of the World Health Organisation is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations’ system. RECIPE works together with the WHO (Europe) to promote rational prescribing of undergraduate medical students across the world. One of the main products is the Guide to Good Prescribing wich focuses on the process of rational drug selection. It can be freely accessed and has been translated into 28 languages. Another product is the Teacher’s Guide to Good Prescribing which focuses on university teachers. It explains how to teach and assess pharmacotherapy to undergraduate medical students. Currently we are working on a new version of the Guide to Good Prescribing.
The Dutch Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy (NVKF&B) is the national society in the field of clinical pharmacology and biopharmacy. The goal of the society is to stimulate teaching, research and practice of clinical pharmacology and biopharmacy according to scientific and ethical standards in the Netherlands. RECIPE participates in the Education Committee of the NVKF&B and is involved in developing a national prescribing safety assessment for medical undergraduates.
The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb collects and analyses reports of adverse reactions of medicines and vaccines. Healthcare professionals, patients and also manufacturers can report an adverse reaction. RECIPE organizes a pharmacovigilance programme together with Lareb for undergraduate medical students from the VUmc. In this programme, students learn how to analyse real reports of adverse reactions of medicines and vaccines.
The International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) was founded in 1959 and is a voluntary, non-profit association representing the interests of pharmacologists around the world. RECIPE works together with the IUPHAR Education Section.
The Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG) assesses and monitors the efficacy, risks and quality of human and veterinary medicines, and the safety of novel foods for human consumption. RECIPE collaborates with the CBG in the training of young clinical pharmacologists.
The goal of the Dutch Institute for Rational Use of Medicine (IVM) is to ensure that everyone receives good and safe medication, sound knowledge about the use, prescription and delivery of medication. RECIPE works together with the IVM to enhance the rational prescribing of (future) doctors in the Netherlands. For example, together we developed the Escaperoom game for medical students about the opioid crisis.
The goal of ZonMw is to ensure that healthy people stay that way for as long as possible, that ill people recover as quickly and completely as possible and that people who require care and nursing receive the highest standard of services. ZonMw funds several research projects of RECIPE.
The Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR) is a full service contract research organisation (CRO). They provide a full range of high quality clinical pharmacology services to the (bio-) pharmaceutical industry. RECIPE collaborates with the CHDR regarding the training of new clinical pharmacologists
The Netherlands Association for Medical Education (NVMO) is an independent association that carries out activities for anyone involved in medical and health care education in the Netherlands and Flanders. RECIPE contributes to the annual NVMO conference on medical education.
The European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM) is the scientific organisation for European internal medicine. RECIPE contributes to the conferences of the EFIM, mainly the European Congress of Internal Medicine.
InHolland offers a master Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) and master Physicians Assistant (PA) for nurses. RECIPE provides a training in rational prescribing for nurses applying for these masters. Furthermore, RECIPE collaborates with InHolland in interprofessional research projects.
The Amstel Academy organises postgraduate training for research and oncology nurses. RECIPE delivers a training in rational prescribing for the research and oncology nurse trainees of the Amstel Academy.
RECIPE trains dental students of the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) in rational prescribing. Furthermore, RECIPE collaborates with ACTA in several reserach projects investigating the prescribing competencies of dental students and dentists.
RECIPE cooperates with the interfaculty research institute LEARN! within the VU University Amsterdam. The goal of this partnership is to develop scientific knowledge and experise about pharmacotherapy education during the under- and postgraduate medical curriculum.
VUmc School of Medical Sciences is responsible for providing education within VUmc and provides all medical, mental health, biomedical, nursing and medical support programmes. RECIPE provides the clinical pharmacology and therapeutics education within these programmes. Moreover, RECIPE runs several research project together with the VUmc School of Medical Sciences.
The Dutch Internist Society (NIV) is responsible for the training of internists in the Netherlands. RECIPE conducts several research projects to improve the postgraduate prescribing education during the training of internists.
Bright Alley is a company that creates online healthcare & life sciences courses and programmes. The company consists of a team of passionate online learning experts, including instructional designers, media experts and project managers. Together with Bright Alley, RECIPE created an online learning platform for educators to collaborate, discuss and share educational resources in clinical charmacology and therapeutics. Also, together we developed the European Prescribing Exam which is a standardised assessment on safe prescribing during the undergraduate medical curriculum in the European Union.
The British Pharmacology Society (BPS) is a national society with a mission to promote and advance the whole spectrum of pharmacology in the UK. The BPS and RECIPE work together in an Erasmus+ project. The aim of this project is to develop an online environment, created for educators in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics to collaborate, discuss and share educational resources.