Erasmus+ (€400.000)

RECIPE has received a €400.000 grant from the Erasmus+ programme for a new project regarding planetary health education in prescribing. This international project aims to enable the integration of planetary health and sustainability in pharmacotherapy education and treatment choices. The project therefore addresses the worldwide priority of fighting against climate change, with concrete and impactful contributions to reducing the environmental impact of medicines. We want to create new, innovative and joint teaching methods, materials and approaches to educate (future) prescribers about sustainable prescribing practices. More information can be found here.

Innovation grant (€100.000)

The Student-Run Clinic at the VU University Medical Center has recently received a €100.000 VUmc Innovation Grant for a new interprofessional learning project. During this project, medical students together with physicians assistants in training will evaluate the medication charts of polypharmacy patients and perform medication reviews. Patients are selected from a elderly care home for vulnerable patients. More information about this project can be found here.

ZonMw (€50.000)

RECIPE received a 1,5-year grant (€50.000) from ZonMw to investigate how to implement the Dutch Prescribing Assessment in Dutch medical schools that are currently changing to a more programmatic assessment system. This is a new approach of assessment that focuses on optimising the learning and decision-making function. Students’ performances are evaluated during multiple moments over a longer period of time. As such, there is no decision moment based on a single assessment. Additionally, ways are explored to implement the Dutch Prescribing Assessment in the education programme for physicians assistants. More information about this project can be found here


Erasmus+ (€400.000)
RECIPE received a 3-year grant (€400.000) by the Erasmus+ Programme to enhance safe prescribing in the European Union. The aim of the project is to develop a teach-the-teacher programme in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. The programma includes a teacher’s guide by which teachers will be educated on how to use state of the art education methodologies, how to align their curriculum with content from the European Open Platform for Prescribing Education and assessments such as the European Prescribing Exam, and on how to set up international collaborations. The overall goal is that all medical universities in Europe stimulate their teachers to follow this teach-the-teacher programme in order to modernize and harmonize CPT education in Europe.


ZonMw (€1.400.000)

Together with the RadboudUMC, RECIPE received a 3-year innovation grant (€1.400.000) from ZonMW to reduce the hospitals admissions due to prescribing errors. In the LIMONCELLO (Less Is More: Optimized pharmacotherapy with improved continuity of CarE in hospitaLized oLder peOple) project, the eight academic hospitals in the Netherlands work together and introduce a team consisting of a doctor and pharmacist to optimize and coordinate the discharge medication for high-risk patients. This is done in close contact with the general practitioner and the community pharmacist. The aim is that these patients are admitted less often, the quality of life of the patients improves and it is checked whether patients need less medication.

ZonMw (€49.530)

RECIPE received a 18-month innovation grant (€49.530) from ZonMW to investigate how the Dutch National Pharmacotherapy Exam can be effectively integrated in undergraduate medical curricula. To this extent, two research studies will be executed. The first study will be a qualitative study investigating students’ experiences with the exam and how it can be integrated in the medical curriculum. The second study will make a comparison between the results of students who have taken the exam in a formative or summative way.  

Erasmus+ (€230.000)

RECIPE received a 2-year grant (€230.000) by the Erasmus+ Programme to develop an online environment for educators in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. The aim of this project is to collaborate, discuss and share educational resources. All resources on this platform are ready to be re-used for free (!) in medical curricula all over the world. Moreover, there are no copyright restrictions for (non-commercial) revision and redistribution. The partners in this project are 8 EU universities, the Centre for Human Drug Research, the World Health Organisation and the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. More information about the project can be found here.


Erasmus+ (€400.000)

RECIPE received a 3-year grant (€400.000) by the Erasmus+ Programme to enhance safe prescribing in the European Union. The aim of the project is to develop, test and implement a standardised assessment on safe prescribing during the undergraduate medical curriculum. This is necessary because current junior doctors make many prescribing errors with potential consequences for patient safety. The partners in this project are 9 EU universities, a test developer, the World Health Organisation and the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. More information can be found here.

EACPT (€5.000)

RECIPE received a grant (€5.000) from the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) to investigate the feasibility of a European Open Platform for prescribing education. This is an online environment, created for educators in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics to collaborate, discuss and share educational resources. All resources on this platform are ready to be re-used for free in medical curricula all over the world. Moreover, there are no copyright restrictions for (non-commercial) revision and redistribution. More information can be found here.


Amsterdam University Medical Center (€100.000)

RECIPE received a 1-year innovation grant (€100.000) by the Amsterdam University Medical Center (location VUmc) to implement a student-led adverse drug event team in the hospital. The junior-adverse drug events will coordinate all aspects of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) by screening hospitalized patients, taking in-depth medication history, reporting adverse drug reactions and providing causality assessments and the pharmacological explanations to the ward physician and patients. This ultimate pharmacovigilance educational method aims to increase students’ and physicians’ competencies in adverse drug reaction (reporting) and to improve patient safety.


ZonMw (€145.000)

Together with the RadboudUMC, RECIPE received a 2-year innovation grant (€145.000) from ZonMW to develop and implement an unique pharmacotherapy test focusing on medication safety in the Netherlands. This project is a initiative of the Dutch Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy (NVKF&B). The aim of this test is to make sure that Dutch medical students are competent in prescribing once they graduate. Currently, the test covers 40 multiple-choice questions focusing on knowledge of 11 drug groups that are commonly prescribed in daily practice. The test is a compulsory part of medical training in five Dutch medical schools and a summative part in the other three medical schools. Each year around 1,500 Dutch medical students complete the assessment, with around 70% of the students meeting the required level of competence. 


EACPT (€10.000)

RECIPE received a grant (€10.000) from the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics for a multicenter study evaluating the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics (CPT) of final‐year medical students across Europe. More information about the study can be found here


Amsterdam University Medical Center (€250.000)

RECIPE received a 2-year grant (€250.000) from the Amsterdam University Medical Center (location VUmc) to enhance medication safety in the hospital. The aim of this project was to introduce a pharmacotherapy team and develop a medication review for new prescribers in the hospital. More information can be found here.